On May 16, 2015 I (Kristian Kabuay) was doing another festival with Ray Haguisan (Malaya Designs) and Joe Aquilizan (Bayani Art) in San Francisco, California where it was cold and slow. During the frequent downtime, we did what we usually do...talk about what we should do and the many roadblocks we face. The reality is that a lot of these are economic roadblocks but it's about time we do something about it. Shots fired at MYSELF! About 2 years ago I had this idea of a Filipino Culture Conference about the same time I started my term as a board member of the Young Filipino Professionals Association. Ray and I even canvassed locations to host this damn thing. The concept was to combine an "academic" conference and a festival. This unKonference is the start of something different. It's my hope that others will create their own unKonference in their own community. Discuss.Disrupt.Disseminate.Do
An unconference is typically a participant driven event where some of the conventional conference things are avoided such as corporate sponsors, slide presentations, hotels halls, academic institutions, entrance fees, and call for papers. The initial idea of the unKonference is to gather in a public space such as a park to have our talks and discussions.
Who the hell are you?

I'm Kristian Kabuay and I run a small art and education business based on Baybayin, an indigenous writing system from the Philippines. I've spoken at numerous schools and institutions such as Stanford University, UC Berkeley, SF State University, University of the Philippines, Asian Art Museum, National Anthropology Museum of Madrid, Tokyo University, and the San Francisco Philippine Consulate. You can also catch me at YFPA (Your Filipino Professionals Association) mixers, consulting with Global Filipino Network, and curating art/education events. In 2013, I completed a European tour of Paris, Madrid, London and Brussels in July and currently working on my 4th book, documentary, and online school. Kabuay.com for more